Paragraph on Natural Calamities
Natural calamities means disaster by nature. Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities because she is affected by various natural disasters like flood, drought, river erosion, storm, earthquake etc. Natural calamities are common occurrences here. Every year they bring about devastating effects on the people of the country. Among these devastating forces of nature, floods and cyclones are the most common, which visit Bangladesh several times a year. Heavy rainfall and inadequate drainage system all over the country are some of the causes of flood. Flood water and cyclones wash away houses and cattle, damage crops, uproot trees, and make life unstable for some time. The miseries of the flood and cyclone- affected people know no bounds. They take shelter in tents. They suffer from want of foods clothes, medicines etc. Sometimes, diseases like cholera and diarrhoea break out in the affected areas. It can be said that natural calamities for a country like Bangladesh are destructive. So, steps should be taken to mitigate their adverse effects for the greater interest of the country. The government and NGOs should come forward to help the victims during natural calamities.
Natural calamity means calamity of nature. Bangladesh is called a country of natural disasters because it is affected by various natural disasters like floods, droughts, river bursts, storms, earthquakes etc. Natural calamities are a common phenomenon here. Every year they bring devastating effects on the people of the country. The most prominent of these destructive forces of nature are floods and cyclones, which occur several times a year in Bangladesh. Excessive rainfall and insufficient drainage are some of the causes of flooding across the country. Flood waters and cyclones wash away homes and livestock, damage crops, uproot trees and temporarily disrupt livelihoods. The suffering of people affected by floods and cyclones knows no bounds. They take shelter in tents. They suffer from a lack of food, clothing, medicine etc. Sometimes diseases like cholera and diarrhoea spread in the affected area. It can be said that natural disasters are devastating for a country like Bangladesh. Therefore steps should be taken to mitigate their adverse effects in the larger interest of the country. Governments and NGOs should come forward to help those affected by natural disasters.
Natural calamities are the calamities which are inflicted by God, or Nature, or man and his world. At these calamities, the unseen hand wreaks havoc in the part of the world it chooses to act upon. On these natural activities of nature no scientific or technological developments can wield any control. They can occur as and when and where ordains it. Natural calamities can be of many different kinds, but the similarly in all, is their massive destruction in the area of their occurrence. The natural disasters are of many kinds, they are drought and famine, flood, earthquake, hailstrom and a cyclone. In the wake of all these, in one sweep there is complete devastation and destruction, due to which normal life comes to a standstill. Loss of life is well nigh complete, and belongings of people get lost, blown away or swept away. The scene is one of the awe, of some unknown power that appears to wreak some revenge on the people of the area. Different natural, calamities can be distinguished from each other in terms of their nature and extent of their impact. Calamities like: earthquakes, hailstorms, avalanches, landslides, etc., occur quite suddenly but they are restricted in their impact in terms of time and space. Similarly, though floods and cyclones occur with some element of warning yet their occurrence is confined in duration. For ensuring appropriate policy and administrative response to natural calamities, a clear identification of the nodal organisation and the pattern of inter action between the different Government functionaries would be necessary.
Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities because she is affected by different natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, drought, river erosion , storms, earthquakes and son on. All these are very common affair here . Every year natural calamities bring about devastation effects on the people of the country. Among these devastating forces of nature floods and cyclones are the most common which visit Bangladesh several times each year. Heavy rainfall and inadequate drainage system all over the country are some of the causes why foods occur each year. We all know what floods and cyclones do to us. Food water and cyclones wash away people and animals, damage crops, uproot tress, rage houses to the ground and make life stopped for the time being. The miseries of the flood, clothes, medicines and so on. Sometimes cholera and diarrhea break out in the affected areas. Cyclone sidr, Aila and recently the Mahasen have given us a serious warning of further disaster. The government and NGO’s should come forward to help the victims of the natural calamities.