AnswerClass VIICLASS VII SeenQuestion

সপ্তম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি স্মানাষিক মূল্যায়ন ২০২৪ ও সমাধান

Assessment Date: 03/07/2024

Subject: English

1st Summative Assessment Guideline

Students will write a comparative analysis of the experience/unit 1 of their English and Science textbooks and their key learning from these activities. In doing so –

Chapter-1: A Dream School

Activity 1.8 The teacher/peer/both observes the students’ practice of democratic skills (e.g., students’ ability to listen to others attentively, respect others’ opinions and respond logically) during a classroom discussion.

1.8 Read Orin’s speeches in the bubbles about her dream school. Now, draw/ design a poster of your dream school and present it to your class/ school.

Dream School
  1. The name of my dream school will be Sunshine School
  2. Its classroom will be spacious and well ventilated
  3. Teachers of my dream school will highly educated, qualified and friendly
  4. Class friends of my dream school will be polite, helpful and sympathetic
  5. There will be various fun activities open for all students in my dream
  6. There will be a rich library, computer lab, canteen, cultural clubs, sports club and prayer room

Chapter-2: Playing with the Words

Activity: 2.6 The teacher examines the learners’ scripts (after the peer checking) to see whether the learners can Identify the root words and use the affixations in their writing.

2.6 Work in a group of 4-6.

Write a short text (15-20 sentences) about someone (father, mother, teacher, sister, brother etc.) or something (a book, a gift, a movie, a poem, a picture etc.) that inspires you most to fulfill one of your dreams. To write your text you can use the ‘Affixation Tree’. Also, you can use any roots or root words, prefixes or suffixes of your own. Later underline all the root or root words, prefixes or suffixes you used in your writing. Finally, present it to the whole class.

The picture is to get an idea of the affixation tree. List of root words- gift, love, care, guide, model, grow, study, proper, stand, happy, luck, polite, friend, follow, grate, joy, pen, way

Prefixes: en, mis, role, en, pre, re, anti, non, un, sub, co, ex, al, im

Suffixes: s, es, sive, ful, able, al, ive, ness, ly, ing, tion, less, ed, one, ance, tice


A teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays an important role in building up an educated nation. He dispels the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He has to suit his act according to the need of his audience which class he is in. He is able to hold the attention ans interest of his students. He is a clear speaker with a good, strong and pleasing voice which is under his control. He does not sit motionless before his class. He makes lessons interesting to the students. Everybody has something invaluable inside him. A good teacher discovers the treasures hidden inside each student. He keeps his students busy. A good teacher never hankers after money. He always thinks about his professional integrity.

Activity 2.10 (Individual work) The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can produce the appropriate synonyms and antonyms of the given words.

2.10 Let’s reflect on our learning from this unit!

From this unit, you have learned many words, their synonyms and antonyms. Now, prepare a poster in a group of 5-6 with all the words you have learned from this unit. Then write their synonyms and antonyms. Finally, hang it on the wall for others to learn.

Answer: A specimen of a poster


Word Synonym Antonym
Local regional national
Scared afraid brave
Agree accede disagree
Choose select reject
Buy purchase sell
Fast quick slow
Rich wealthy poor
Encourage inspire discourage
Complex complicated simple
Huge big tiny

Chapter-3: If

Activity: 3.7 The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can appropriately use the steps of writing the central theme of the poems.



Many people consider ‘If—’ to be one of the most inspirational poems ever written. It is certainly a poem that has garnered a great deal of attention in popular culture. The poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling is a bundle of suggestions from father to his son. In the poem, the poet tells his son how to cope with different situations in the life ahead. The poem is divided into four stanzas having eight lines each. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABAB. We will discuss each stanza in detail below.

Chapter-4: If The Frog and The Ox

Activity: 4.9 The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the= learners can produce the correct form of comparative and superlative degrees of the given adjectives.

4.9 Read the rules again. And, write the comparative and superlative degrees of the given adjectives in your exercise book. Then compare your answers in pairs. (Text Book Page No. 37)

Bigger – Biggest
Smaller – Smallest
deeper – Deepest
Larger – Largest

Activity 4.10(Individual work) The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can produce the correct form of adjectives in terms of their degrees.

4.10 Look at the picture of “Abir’s Family”. Then, in pairs/groups complete the description of his family using the appropriate forms of adjectives given in the brackets. (Text Book Page No. 37)

Answer: Abir’s Family

Hello friends! This is my family. We live in a 1) ____ (beautiful) village. I think no other place is as 2) ____ (scenic) and 3) ____ (clean) as my village. My parents, two of my siblings and my grandparents, we all live together in our house. My grandfather is the 4) ____ (old) and my little brother, Anik is the 5) ____ (young) member of my family. My mother takes care of all of us. My father is also as 6) ____ (caring) as my mother. No other member of my family is as 7) ____ (quiet) as my mother. My grandmother is my closest friend. To me no one is 8) ____ (friendly) than my grandmother. My grandfather talks very little. Nobody talks as 9) ____ (little) as my grandfather in my house. My elder sister, Sarah is 10) ____ (active) and 11) ____ (smart). I think, she is the 12) ____ (smart) one in my family. Our dining room is the 13) ____ (noisy) place in my house. This is our meeting place and we discuss almost everything here. The old mango tree in front of my house is 14) ____ (quiet) than any other place. I spend most of my leisure time there. I love my family and my living place 15) ____ (much) than anything else in the world.

Ans. 1. beautiful; 2. more scenic; 3. cleanest; 4. oldest; 5. youngest; 6. caring; 7. quieter; 8. friendlier; 9. little; 10. more active; 11. smart; 12. smartest; 13. most noisy; 14. more quite; 15. very much;

Chapter-5: Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Activity 5.12 (Individual work) The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can appropriately identify all the characteristics/features (e.g., plot, setting, character, theme) of the story.

5.12 Now, let’s read the story “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” once again in groups and find out the characteristics it has. Then, write your

Name of the characteristics Description of the Characteristics


Name of the characteristics Description of the Characteristics
(1)Characters Every human being can be imagined as a character of this story
(2) Point of View The story has a second-person point of view, such as ‘you’, ‘you’
Central theme Every human being carries an invisible bucket to hold all their good feelings and thoughts

Activity: 5.13 The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can use different literary features (e.g., plot, setting, character, point of view, theme) in expressing their experiences and imaginations.

5.13 Now, discuss and write a story in groups. Remember that your story has all three characteristics- characters, point of view and central theme. Then, read it to the whole class and display it on a wall for everyone to read in school.




One day when I was entering my school. I saw a wounded puppy sitting on the steps of the school building. I was so sorry to see the puppy, So, took pity on the puppy. I wanted to treat him. Hence, I called some of my best friends named Nusaib, Salman and Samiul. Nusaib said, “It is nothing but cruel deed to wound a puppy.” Ruby was also kind enough to help the puppy. Besides, Salman said that we required now veterinary medicine to treat the ill-fated puppy. I requested Samiul to help in this regard. Somehow, we managed to cure him. All of my best friends came forward with kindness and selflessness. I thanked all of them. And they gave me a smile. In fact, all the students of our school are generally cooperative. We help each other in need. We never ignore and make fun of anyone we never say or do mean things that make others feel bad. On the other hand, we are loving, caring and kind to all. Hence, we say or do nice things that make others feel special. In fact, I am proud of being one of them. At this, we are called a bucket-filling school as bucket-filling means to do something good. So, we should fill the bucket, but we should not dip it as bucket-dipping means to make others feel bad. For this reason, our school is a bucket-filling one.

Chapter-6: A Good Reader

Activity 6.9 (Individual work) The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can use the appropriate strategies (e.g., use of the contextual clues, skimming, and scanning) to extract the meaning of the unknown words while reading.

6.9 Now, in a group of 6-8 and read the text you have got. Then, discuss the meaning of the text following the strategies you have learnt in this unit. Later, explain the strategies you applied to understand the meaning of the texts to the whole class.

Answer to 6.9

(i) First, I skimmed through a text and got a general idea of the topic.

(ii) Second, I scanned the text to get contextual clues, for example, pictures definitions, synonyms, antonyms and examples.

(iii) Then finally I read the text again and again to understand better, and again to understand better, and if I didn’t get the meaning of very difficult/ unusual words anyhow I would look up those words in dictionaries.

Here is a list of new/ difficult, technical and special words, phrases and terms along with their contextual clues that helped me understand the meaning of the text.

Words/Phrases/ Terms Contextual clues
Text 1 precious used as money
special occasion birthday, Mother’s Day and Friendship Day
pods farmers open the pod and take out seeds
origin as early as 2,000 years ago, people of the Americas——–
drinks mixing cacao beans, water and spices to make
Solid (chocolate candy) bars
Text-2 surface water water above ground
ground water water that under the ground
vapour water even exists in the sky2
unfortunately we can’t drink most of it
fresh water which one can drink
Hubbard Glacier 70 % of our drinking water is frozen
Text-3 special recognition recognize your voice
facial recognition recognizes your face
Voice recognition can correct pronunciation too
Text-4 panic …. You drop it in the water accidentally. Now, what should you do?
extremely durable can survive rain
turn on switch on
overnight during the night
be patient don’t panicv
Text-5 Cheetah big cats, animals
predators ………. If they see prey, they hunt the prey for god
camouflage uses its spots for ——-the lion does not have any sports

Chapter-7: Using Verbs easily

Activity 7.6 The teacher examines the learners’ scripts (after the peer checking) to see whether the learners can use appropriate adverbs in their writing.

7.6 Read the following situations and write appropriate adverbs in the blanks.
• A clean place is a safe place
So, let’s clean our surroundings neatly.

• Stop, look and cross the road
So, let’s cross a road carefully.

• Save our best friends
So, let’s love trees passionately/deeply.

• Technological challenges
So, let’s use devices consciously

• Two heads are better than one
So, let’s support sincerely

7.6 Read the following situations and write appropriate adverbs in the blanks.
• A clean place is a safe place
So, let’s clean our surroundings neatly. / Regularly

  • Stop, look and cross the road /
    So, let’s cross a road carefully. / Only cross a road on the zebra crossing or through a flyover.
  • Save our best friends / immediately

Trees are useful for us in many ways
So, let’s love trees passionately/deeply./ dearly

  • Technological challenges
    So, let’s use devices consciously/ properly
  • Two heads are better than one
    So, let’s support sincerely wholeheartedly

Chapter-8: Heroes of Bengal

Activity 8.11 (Individual work) The teacher examines the learners’ scripts to see whether the learners can appropriately use prepositions and conjunctions in their writing.

8.11 Let’s Decorate Our Dream Reading Room

Hello friends! I am Tania and this is my dream reading room. There is a very beautiful river beside my reading room. Since I spend most of my day in this reading room, I have decorated this room to my heart’s content. The bed is next to the window in my reading room. Lying in bed, I enjoy the moonlight night. I always keep a teddy bear on the bed. Beside the bed there is a sofa and small table.

And there is a vase on this table. I love to sing in my free time. So I keep a guitar next to this table. There is ceiling fan over my head in the middle of my reading room. A map of Bangladesh is hanged on the wall behind the sofa. There is also a calendar next to this map to view the dates. To the left of the sofa is an almirah and a bookshelf. There is another small table in front of my bed.

On this table there is a jug and a glass. The reading table is next to the other window in my reading room. This is my favorite part of the reading room. Beside this reading table is a chair. A globe, a clock and some books are on either side of the table. Between them, there is also a table lamp. I keep my necessary paper and pen on this table. This is how I set up my reading room.

Chapter-9: Knowing Our Parents

Activity 9.9 The teacher/peer/both observes the learners to see whether the learners encourage their peers to participate in democratic practices (i.e. creating scopes for others to talk= or encouraging others to listen attentively and/or encouraging others to respect others’ opinions and/or respond logically) during the classroom discussion.

9.9 Work in pairs/groups. Discuss your parents’ contribution to your family. Then write a short biography of your father or mother.
To write a good narrative text (biography) you have to keep in mind the following things:
• Talk to them first to know all the information about them and write your texts in a way that everybody can understand clearly.
• Do not describe every incident of their lives.
• Tell the events as they happened (chronologically).
• To make your biography interesting connect the dates and events in their lives. You can use words like after that, before, since then, the next year, then, at the time, suddenly, and afterwards etc.
• Use the third person narrative (for example, my mother, my father, he, she, they) when you describe the story.
• Use simple past tense to describe the events.


A Short Biography of My Father

My father’s name is Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hye Mia. He was born into an aristocratic Muslim family in Madaripur district in 1940. He completed his honours and MA in English from Dhaka University. He joined in East Pakistan Civil Service and took part in the Liberation War. He established many educational institutions, religious establishments and so on. My father is the best and the most hard-working person I have ever seen in my life. He is the man who has been with me through thick and thin. He is the man who used to leave me in front of the school gate when I was just a kid. He used to console me when I cried before going to school. He runs a business after retirement from government service. He is a successful man but he never realizes that. He tries to improve every single day for the sake of giving a better life to his family. He is never satisfied with himself and thinks that everything could have been better, but never realizes what he has given to us is the best. His efforts are what that matters. He had a childhood with a lot of hardship but neither he has given up nor he has taught me to give up. He has taught me to win. He has taught me to be honest. He has taught me some biggest life lessons. He is the man whom I feel every moment.

Last Session

Firstly, in practice sessions 1 and 2, students in the group will study and analyze the experience/unit 1 of their English and Science textbooks. During the activity, students will write down the similarities and differences between the experience/unit 1 of their English and Science textbooks.

Instruction for the teachers:(The focus of these activities is to assess the PI 7.3.1 and 7.3.2)

1) Divide the class into some groups and name each group as Group 1 or Group 2. Each group should be of 4 to 6 students depending on the class size.

2) Instruct each group to read carefully first the experience/unit 1 of their English textbook, then the experience/unit 1 of their Science textbook.

3) Now tell them to make a list of the similarities and differences between the two units/experiences. Make sure that all students participate in this activity.

4) Help students to find out the similarities and differences between these two experiences/units. For example, students can compare the illustrations, contents, interesting tasks and activities, language, length of the units, information, and type of tasks of these experiences.

5) Later, invite the groups to share their list with the class.

6) During these activities, assess the PI 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 following the checklists.

Answer: A list of some similarities and differences between the two units of English textbook and science text book is as follow:


English Textbook Science Textbook
(i) About a dream school (i)About our agriculture
(ii) Colourful illustration (ii) Colurful illustrations
(iii) Knowledge about a dream school (iii) Knowledge about crops
(iv) Conversation between students (iv) Discussion with guest, teacher, farmer
(v) School Visit (v) Field visit
(vi) Idea about a dream school (vi) Idea about cultivation and good seedlings
(vii) Try yourself (vii) Try yourself
(viii) Try yourself (viii) Try yourself
(ix) Try yourself (ix) Try yourself
(x) Try yourself (x) Try yourself



English Textbook Science Textbook
(i) 2 illustrations (i) Many illustrations
(ii) Length of the unit:7 page (ii) Length of unit: Page 14 page
(iii) Content: Dream school (iii) Content: Growing, evolving and surviving of crops
(iv) Based on imagination (iv) based on reality
(v) No voluntary work (v) Voluntary work
(vi) Language English (vi) Language Bangal
(vii) Combination of dream and reality (vii) Combination of practical knowledge and skill
(viii) Try yourself (viii) Try yourself
(ix) Try yourself (ix) Try yourself
(x) Try yourself (x) Try yourself