3.4.2; Write an Argumentative Essay

3.4.2. It’s time to work! Let’s see, say and sort the problems around us. Follow the given instructions and take necessary help from your teachers, family, friends etc. to complete the work.

  1. First, identify some issues around you that need to be addressed and prepare a list of them.
  2. Then, think and discuss in pairs/groups to decide on one issue from the list. Choose one that you can argue on and write your topic and determine your position.
  3. Next, talk to the people around you to know their opinions regarding the topic and take notes to use further.
  4. Now, read all the arguments you have got and plan your argumentative essay. Write the introduction, and body paragraphs (2-3 your arguments and 1-2 counterarguments you got from your conversation with the people), explain the arguments and use evidence to support the arguments. Finally, write the conclusion.
  5. Here, edit your writing and write the final draft.
  6. Now, share it with the class. Also, you may publish it in your school magazine or any newspaper to draw the attention of the concerned authority.


  1. Identifying Issue
Category Issue
Gender Equality Women’s rights, Global Feminism
Health Maternal Health, Extreme Poverty, Limited Access to Health Care Service for certain Groups
Human Rights Human Rights Violations
Education Fund Crisis in Education
Youth Unemployment Lack of Job Opportunities for Young People

b.Choosing an Issue: After thinking and discussing in groups, we chose “Fund Crisis in Education”

Topic: Fund Crisis in Education

Position: Arguing for more funding in education


c. Collecting Opinions: We have collected opinions by talking to people around us, including students, teachers and parents. Parents are worried about the quality of education and the lack of access to educational resources. Students reveal disappointment about limitation to necessary study materials.


d. Planning and writing of an argumentative essay

The Imperative of Increase Funding for Education

The role of education is shaping the future cannot be overstated. As societies evolve, the demand for education is also increasing. However, the issue of inadequate funding poses a significant obstacle to achieving the full potential of education.

This essay argues that increasing funding for education is necessary because it is impossible to provide students with access to modern textbooks, educational materials, and extracurricular activities without enough funds.


One of the reasons why I argue for increased funding is that insufficient funding hampers the ability to provide students with up-to date textbooks.

Outdated textbooks hinder their capacity to stay abreast of contemporary knowledge and advancements. With increased financial support, we can ensure the regular updating of textbooks, Lining up educational content with their latest developments. Another reason that calls for increased funding is that insufficient resources limit accessibility to essential materials. Lack of resources, such as a computer lab, a science lab, and other updated learning materials, hinders the learning process. Therefore, learning efficiency is seriously interrupted.

Surveys show that a significant percentage of students lack access to up-to-dated educational materials.

So we can say that a lot of funding is required to make education more fruitful.

Furthermore, to provide students with access to extracurricular activities in all institutes, a sufficient amount of funding is necessary.

Limited access to sports, arts, and other activities in our society creates a disadvantage for our students. Extracurricular activities play a vital role in comprehensive development. Nut underprivileged schools often face limited opportunities to provide activities beyond the curriculum. Students in privileged schools have more opportunities for extracurricular activities, which can enhance their overall learning experience.

A survey reveals a significant disparity in the availability of extracurricular programs among schools.

Therefore, adequate funding is imperative to equalize access to these activities, which w3ill foster a better education.

Some may argue that because of budget limitations, an additional budget for education is not possible. Due to budget constraints, authorities cannot provide the required resources.

We acknowledge the issue of budget constraints, but for long-term benefits, the authority can invest more in education, transferring funds from unproductive sectors to education.

We may conclude by saying that

increased funding in education is crucial for the development of a nation.

By addressing the issue, we can nurture the talent of every student. Some challenges may exist, but the evidence supports the need for change. It’s time to emphasize education and invest in education for its long-term benefit.