4.4.1 ; Tones in Statements

4.4.1 Select five poems that you have read in your textbook (either Bangla or English textbook of Class Six, Class Seven, Class Eight and Class Nine). Then, list them in the left column and identify their respective tones in the next column. Finally, quote from the poems and explain why you consider this poem for the particular tone in the next two columns.


Name of the poem Tone of poem Quote from the poem Your explanation
a. “The Children’s Song” by Rudyard Kipling The tone of the poem “The Children’s Song” can be described as solemn, reverent, and hopeful. টোনকে গৌরবময়, শ্রদ্ধাশীল, এবং আশাব্যজ্ঞক বলা যেতে পারে Land of our Birth, we pledge to thee/ our love and toil in the years to be. The poem expresses a deep sense of patriotism and devotion to one’s country, as well as a belief in the power of children to build a better future.
b. “Leisure” by William Henry Davies The poem “Leisure” has a melancholy and reflective tone. একটি বিষন্ন এবং প্রতিফলিত টোন রয়েছে। “A poor life this if, full of care, / We have no time to stand and stare.” The poem expresses a longing for a simpler life, one in which there is more time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
c. “From a Railway Carriage” by Robert Louis Stevenson The tone of the poem is exuberant, joyful, and childlike. টোন উচ্ছসিত, আনন্দময় এবং শিশুসুলুভ FASTER than fairies

Faster than witches

Bridges and houses

Hedges and ditches

The poem perfectly conveys the wonder and excitement of a young child expiring train travel for the first time and its speed.
d. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost The tone of the poem could be best described as quiet reflection. কবিতা টির টোনকে শান্ত প্রতিফলন হিসেবে সর্বোত্তম ভাবে বর্ণনা করা যেতে পারে The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

The poem explores the conflict between the poet’s desire to enjoy the tranquility of a snowy woodland and his sense of responsibility to continue his journey. The poet is captivated by the serene scene of snow-covered woods but feels obligated to move on due to societal obligations and commitments. The poem reflects on themes of nature, duty, and the choices we make in life.
আবার আসিব ফিরে-

জীবনানন্দ দাশ

The tone of the poem is desirous and hopeful. টোন আকাঙ্খিত ও আশাবাদী আবার আসিব ফিরে ধানসিড়িঁটির তীরে- এই বাংলায়

হয়তো মানুষ নয়- হয়তো বা শঙ্খচিল শালিকের বেশে

The poet expresses a deep yearning to return to nature. He also expresses hope that he will be able to find a way to connect with nature, even if it is in a different from.



Tone Definition Example
01.Formal Tone Hesitant and uncertain, often using qualifying phrases and apologizing unnecessarily. Can come across as lacking confidence. “Hey! Just saw the coolest documentary last night. You gotta check.
02. Informal Tone Relaxed and conversational, using contractions, slang, and personal anecdotes. Suitable for casual conversations, emails to friends, and social media posts “Your application has been received and is currently under review. We will inform you of the decision within two weeks.
03. Non- assertive tone Characterized by seriousness, objectivity, and professional language. Appropriate for business reports, academic writing, and formal presentations. “I believe this proposal is the best solution for our current challenge. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.”
04. Assertive tone Direct and confident, stating opinions and requests clearly and concisely. Balances confidence with respect. “We did it! We finally reached the summit after months of planning and training!”
05. Aggressive Tone Hostile and confrontational, using insults, threats, and inflammatory language. Avoid using this tone, as it can damage relationship and hinder communication. “We did it! We finally reached the summit after months of planning and training!”
06. Tone of Triumphant Expressive victory, success and accomplishment with pride and joy. Direct and confident, stating opinions and requests clearly and concisely. Balances confidence with respect. “If you don’t agree with me, you’re clearly stupid and incompetent!”
07. Calm and thoughtful Tone Shows surprise, wonder, and disbelief at something extraordinary. “After all I’ve done for them, they just threw me aside like yesterday’s garbage.”
08. Bitter Tone Expresses resentment, disappointment, and hurt feelings, often with negativity and cynicism. “Let’s take a step back and carefully consider the options before making a decision.”
09. Tone of Amazement Reflects a composed and analytical approach, presenting information thoughtfully and without impulsiveness. “I can’t believe it! Did you really win the lottery?”
10. Excited Tone Conveys enthusiasm, eagerness, and anticipation for something positive. “I’m so excited for our vacation! I can’t wait to explore the beaches and try all the delicious food.”

Fill In the blanks with suitable Example:

  1. Formal Tone :
  2. Informal Tone :
  3. Non-assertive Tone :
  4. Assertive Tone :
  5. Aggressive Tone :
  6. Tone of Triumphant :
  7. Calm of thoughtful Tone :
  8. Bitter Tone :
  9. Tone of Amazement :
  10. Excited Tone :
  11. Optimistic :
  12. Pessimistic :
  13. Sarcastic :
  14. Reflective :
  15. Persuasive :