JSC Seen📖Class VIII

Activity: 2.3.7 & 2.4.1; The Bizhu Festival

2.3.7 Now, read the text again (referring to 2.3.5) and summarize it in one paragraph. Follow all the steps given below to write the summary.

In the first step, read the text attentively and identify the main ideas of the text. For example, ‘Bizhu, the main festival of the Chakma community’ is one of the main ideas. You can also write the supporting details to explain your main idea.

  • Secondly, write all the main ideas in a list.
  • Then, write the introductory sentence of the summary
  • Now, turn all of your main ideas into sentences
  • Here, combine all the sentences into one paragraph. Do not forget to use connecting words/cohesive devices to make your summary meaningful.
  • Now, check the use of punctuation marks, spelling, grammar, and organization of the summary, and do the necessary edits.
  • Finally, write the final draft of your summary

Now, exchange your copy in pairs to check it again. Finally, submit it to your teacher.


I have read the text attentively and followed the following steps for writing the summary:

  1. Read to identify the main ideas of the conversation: I have read the text thoroughly to understand the main ideas in it.
  2. Written the main ideas in a list: I have identified and written the main ideas presented in the text (conversation), such as Bizhu celeb ration as the main festival of the Chakma community, the similarities between the festivals of Mahmud’s Bengali people (community) and those of Madhu’s Chakma commun ity (the similarities between Pohela Boishakh and Bizhu (Phool Bizhu and Gojjeye Poijjye), and Nabanna festival and Mul-Bizhu) and the celebration of the same things by different communities in different ways according to their traditional and rituals.

iii. Begun the summary with an introductory statement: Last week Mahmud had a conversation with Madhu, a girl belonging to Chakma community while travelling to Rangamati.

  1. Turned the main ideas into sentences logically: I have presented the main ideas into sentences in a logical order to form a coherent summary. I have also occasionally included details when it has been necessary to covey the main ideas.
  2. Condensed Information: I have combined the sentences into one paragraph by removing unnecessary details and focusing on the essential points.
  3. Used transition words: I have used connecting words/ cohesive devices/ transition words like ‘last week’, ‘during’, ‘which’, ‘starting on’, ‘on the first day’ and ‘with’, ‘on the second day’, ‘on this day’, ‘this day’, ‘in fact’, etc. for smooth transition between ideas and making the summary meaningful.

vii. Reviewed for clarity: I have proofed the summary to find out errors in punctuation marks, soelling, grammar (sentence structure0, organization of the summary and content. I have edited (fixed) them.

A Summary of the Conversation:

Last week Mahmudhagadu, a girl belonging to Chakma community things about the traditions and rituals of the Bizhu festivaadhu shared with M Rangamati. During the conversation, to Mahmud many Chakma community. Starting on Chaitra Sankranti, the festival lasts for three days. On the festival of the first day. Phool Bizhu is celebrated by floating flowers in lakes and rivers to bid goobye to sorrows and seek divine blessings. Phool Bizhu is quite similar to Pahela Boishakh. ‘Mul- Bizhu, or the main day of the festival, starts with a bath ritual. ‘Mul-Bizhu’ is celebrated on the second day. On this day, delicious foods named Banschuri and pajon are made for friends and family. Mul-Bizhu’ is similar to our Nabanna festival. “Gojjye Poijjye is the last day of Bizhu festival. It is celebrated with relaxation and happiness. People of Chakma community celebrate this day in hope of passing the whole year with peace and prosperity. It also resembles the celebration of Pahela Boishakh. In fact, the people of different communities celebrate the same things

2.4.1 It’s time to write a summary in groups! The following instructions are to guide you. To do the activity-

  • First, discuss and select a story/drama/poem/short film/news article
  • Then, read the book/article/poem or watch the drama/film during your free time
  • Next, collect the necessary information (main ideas) to write the summary and

note them down

  • Later, discuss and decide the main ideas of the selected story/drama/poem/short

film/news article

  • Also, decide whether you need to write any supporting details or not. If you

need any, write them down

  • It’s time to check, whether you use appropriate cohesive devices or not to

connect the ideas

  • Here, organize all the ideas into a paragraph
  • Now, write the summary individually and check in groups
  • Finally, do the necessary edits and submit it to the teacher

After discussion, we have selected the following news article:

Injured monkey that sought medical attention dies

Daily Star, Saturday, September 9, 2023: An injured monkey, which made news by visiting an upazila health complex in Chattogram for treatment, died yesterday in medical care. Dipanwita Bhattacharya, an official of Chattagram Wildlife and Biodiversity Reservation Department, confirmed the matter. She said the monkey could not be saved despite frantic efforts. It died in the afternoon while undergoing treatment under the supervision of vets at Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU).

Earlier, the monkey was shifted to the CVASU when its condition worsened, she said. The monkey came to the limelight across the country when it appeared on its own thrice at Sitakunda Upazila Health Complex for treatment a few days back. Locals said they first spotted the monkey in the area around a month back and since then it was frequently seen there. The monkey was spotted in front of the upazila health complex on September 2 with injuries. Nuruddin Rashed, a physician at the upazila health complex, said they found the monkey, with wounds, sitting on the balcony of the hospital when he was about to leave work. Later, he dressed the wounds on the monkey and it left the health complex, said the doctor. The monkey again appeared at the hospital on the next two consecutive days, he said, adding that it was provided with treatment. The animal probably suffered from wounds caused by electric shock after it had sat on power lines, he said.

We have read the news article in our free time and followed the following steps for writing the summary:

  1. Read to identify the main ideas of the news article: We have read the article thoroughly to understand and collect the necessary information (main ideas) for writing the summary.
  2. Written the main ideas in a list: We have discussed, decided, and written the main ideas presented in the article, such as an injured monkey coming to the limelight or making news across the country, its visit to Upazila Health Complex for medical treatment, its treatment by a physician and some vets, and its death despite the effects to save it.

iii. Begun the summary with an introductory statement: An injured monkey, which made news by visiting an Upazila Health Complex in Chattogram for treatment, died yesterday in medical care.

  1. Turned the main ideas into sentences logically: I and the others have presented the main ideas into sentences in a logical order to form a coherent summary. I and the other members have decided that we do not need to note the supporting details as we are individually capable of using them in the summary directly by taking a look on the article, we have already discussed profoundly within ourselves.
  2. Condensed information: I and also the other members have combined or organized the sentences into one paragraph by removing unnecessary details and focusing on the
  3. Used transition words: I and the other members have used cohesive devices/transition essential points. words like ‘which’, ‘surprisingly’, ‘then’, ‘unfortunately’, ‘despite’, and ‘however’ to connect the ideas.

vii. Reviewed for clarity: I and the others individually. Each one of as has proofread the summary to find out errors in punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and content. After checking, we have also fixed (edited) them.


An injured monkey, which made news by visiting an upazila health complex in Chattogram for treatment, died yesterday in medical care. Surprisingly, the injured monkey appeared at the hospital on its own for treatment. Then, a physician and some vets gave it necessary treatment. Unfortunately, they could not save the monkey despite their all out efforts. However, the monkey’s sudden appearance at the hospital on its own made a news across the country and its death shocked people a lot.