Application to the editor “Acid Throwing”
16th March – 2022
The Editor,
The Daily Padma,
Karwan Bazar, Dhaka
I wish to use the columns of your popular daily to bring the greatest problem “Acid Throwing” to the notice of government authorities concerned.
Acid throwing is one of the most heinous crimes. In our country, nowadays we read about the incidents of acid throwing in the dailies. In most cases, it is seen that women and children are the worst victims of acid throwing. The incident of acid throwing takes place due to mainly two reasons. One is family enmity, another one is the rejection of love. If two families fall into enmity on different issues often one of them takes the path of savage vengeance and throws acid in the women and children of the opponent side. Again, if any youth is rejected in his love by the girl he loves, he also may throw acid on the girl. The acid victims suffer from unbearable pain as the skin of the acid thrown’ part of the body gets burnt. Government. must take punitive action against the acid throwers. The involved criminal should be tried in a summary trial and must be awarded a death sentence. The government, non-government and socio-cultural organizations should come forward to launch a campaign against this crime.
I would be highly pleased if you take initiative to print the mention public concern issues in you renowned and reputed daily.
Yours obediently
Abdullah Al Noman