SSCSSC Application

Application to your Headmaster for Purchasing of Sports Equipment

08 September 2023


The Headmaster,

Government Girls High School


Subject: Application for Purchasing of Indoor Sports Equipment

Dear Sir

We have the honour to draw your kind attention to the fact that ours is a renowned school in the city. There are about 3,000 students in our school. But it is a matter of regret that there is no sufficient sports equipment so that a big number of students can practise indoor games at a time. it is stated that annual sports day is due in 2 months. There are some machines which are rusting, and others are out of order. More equipment is needed as multiple teams are practicing simultaneously.

We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary steps for purchasing some more adequate indoor sports equipment  and oblige thereby.

Yours sincerely

Hasana Mahmuda

On behalf of the students of your school

Sincerely yours –

The students of class IX

Faridpur Govt. Girls High School


08 September 2023


The Headmaster,

Government Girls High School


Subject: Application for Purchasing of Indoor Sports Equipment

Dear Sir,

With due reverence, it is stated that annual sports day is due in 2 months. Our teams have been practicing but sports equipment in the gym is not enough to cater needs of all students. Some machines are rusting, and others are out of order. More equipment is needed as multiple teams are practicing simultaneously.

It is requested that more indoor equipment be purchased so that students can practice well with ease. I shall be very thankful to you.

Yours obediently,

Hasan Abdullah

On behalf  of the students of Faridpur Zila School