Completing story: The hare and the tortoise

Long ago there lived a hare / a rabbit in a jungle. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare was very proud of his fast or swift speed. But the tortoise was very slow. So, the rabbit / hare always teased him for his slow speed and used to throw challenge to defeat him in a race. Hearing such insult, …………….. .


Long ago there lived a hare in a hare rabbit in a jungle. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare was very proud of his fast or swift speed. But the tortoise was very slow. So, the rabbit / hare always teased him for his slow speed and used to throw challenge to defeat him in a race. Hearing such insulation, the tortoise got irritated and one day he accepted the challenge. The hare laughed and insulted to tortoise again. However, they went to a fox to be the judge of the race. The fox fixed a date and a venue.The next day they came to the fixed place. When the fox wave a flag, the race started. The hare jumped and jumped and within a few minutes he covered more than a mile. He looked back and found the hare far behind him. As he was supper swift, he was pretty sure of his success.  He thought he could be able to overtake the tortoise at any time. Covering much way he decided to take some rest. He lay down the soft grass and fall asleep soon.

On the contrary, the tortoise was fully aware of his slow speed. Again he was determined to defeat the hare too. So, he ran relentlessly with his level best. At one time he discovered the hare sleeping under a tree and passed him silently.

A few hours later, it was about to afternoon, the hare woke up and began to run faster. But alas! It was too late. The tortoise had already reached the winning point. The hare got ashamed and sorrowfully told himself, “Slow and steady wins the race. Nothing can be above of determined and heartiest efforts and pride never brings any success.”

Moral of the story: Slow and Steady Wins The Race Story