HSCHSC Paragraph

Paragraph : An Ideal Student

A student who has some special qualities like honesty, sincerity, obedience, punctuality, diligence, etc. is called an ideal student. By virtue of having these human qualities in his/ her character, he/ she always speaks the truth. He/ she hates dishonesty from the core of his/her heart. An ideal student is always sincere to his/ her study. He/ she always thinks that his/ her main duty is to study. So, an ideal student studies regularly and with his/ her full concentration. He/ she becomes punctual and diligent. Being punctual, he/ she stoutly maintains time schedule in his/ her daily activities. He is never late in class and in other pre-scheduled functions or ceremonies. The quality of diligence makes him/ her perseverant. He/ she never fears hard work. When and where he/ she finds it necessary to undergo any hard labour, he/ she devotes himself/ herself in it wholeheartedly. Obedience is another quality of an ideal student. He/ she is always obedient to his seniors and elders, teachers and parents. He/ She never shows disobedience to anyone. An ideal student is disciplined as well. He/ she abides by rules and regulations of the educational institutions and the country of which he/ she is a citizen. An ideal student is co-operative. He/ she helps other students. He/ she always takes part in co-curricular and social activities of the school. Politeness is the quality that is seen first in an ideal student’s character. An ideal student is loved by all. I want to be na ideal student and so I have been trying to cultivate the qualities of an ideal student.