JSC Letter📖Class VIII

Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be attentive of his study

Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be attentive of his study.

15, Gulshan, Dhaka
August 29, 2021

My Dear Navid,

It was quite long since we received any letter from you. Yesterday your progress report of Second Terminal Examination from your principal reached us. We have become very shocked to know from the report that you have failed almost in all subjects.

We had although a high opinion about you, but you have greatly disappointed us. I am sure that you keep bad company and while away your time. Remember time once gone can never be got back and bad habits once formed are not easy to give up. Your attendance in the class is very poor. As a result, you cut a sorry figure in the fast terminal examination. You should bear in mind that life is not a bed of roses. Once a time will come when you will have to face many struggles. Then you will have to depend on your own feet. So, we want to see you as a good in study and in character. For this, you will have to give up your idleness and bad company. Moreover, you must be attentive and be regular in study.

No more today. Convey my best regard to father and mother and love to the younger.

Your brother