Write an Application to the Chairman for sinking a tubewell
15 September, 2021
The Chairman
Sadar Union Council
Faridpur Sadar, Faridpur.
Subject : Prayer for for Sinking  a Tubewell.
With due respect and honor, we, the inhabitants of Komlapur village, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that Komlapur is a big village. It is under your Faridpur Sadar Union council. About two thousand people live in this village. Most of our villagers live by cultivation. However, the people of our village have been suffering for want of drinking water as there is no tubewell here. They have to drink pond and river water. This water is not pure. By drinking this water, our villagers have been suffering from various complex diseases like diarrhea, dysentery and cholera. To save our villagers from this sort of problems, sinking a tubewell is a crying need.
It is, therefore, hoped that you would be gracious enough to take immediate step to sink a tubewell in our village and help our villagers to live well.
Yours faithfully –
Hasan Imetiaj
On behalf of the villagers of Komlapur Village
Faridpur Sadar Union