Annual Summative Assessment Guidelines for Class VII, Solution Day: 2&3
Day 2 (90 minutes/two consecutive classes)
Completing an incomplete comic strip
Task 3 (40 minutes)
In this session, the students will be exposed to an incomplete comic strip (see the next page). The students will complete the dialogue bubbles to make the comic strip meaningful and logical. In doing so, they will identify various reading strategies to infer the meaning of the texts in the comic strip. The specific focus of the activity is on the use of different reading strategies to understand the comic strip.
To do the activity, the teacher will ask the students to –
• Divide in groups of 4 or 5
• Observe the comic strips carefully
• Read the dialogues in the bubbles to understand the comic strips
• Discuss who/what is/ are in the comic strips, what are they doing, and what is the comic strip about.
• Discuss and write the dialogues in the blank dialogue bubbles (in the last two frames).
• Complete the comic strip with meaningful dialogues.
• Make necessary edits.
• Finally, present it in front of the class.
• Ask other groups to share their feedback.
Take a 10-minute break
Task 4 (40 minutes)
In this session, the teacher will ask the students to
• Work individually (The teacher will ensure that the students will not copy any of his/her friend’s answer script).
• Go through the comic strip they have completed in Task 3 again.
• Infer the meaning of the texts especially the blank dialogue bubbles.
• Identify which strategy you used to infer the meaning of the words/phrases/expressions.
• Write down the words/phrases/expressions and strategies they used to infer their meanings.
• Edit the grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
• Finally, submit a copy of your group work to the teacher
The teacher will monitor the students while they work and identify the students who did the activity independently, who needed the peer’s help and who needed both the peer’s and the teacher’s help.
The teacher will keep a record of those students to assess them and s/he will keep the copies as a record.
• Discuss who/what is/ are in the comic strips, what are they doing, and what is the comic strip about.
The Comic strip is about two friends who are excited to surprise their friends. They are excited to be early, and are planning to do something special to surprise others’ and want to see their reactions. They also agreed to do the task every year to amuse their friends which indicates that they are very much concern about their friendship. The want to enjoy their merriment with their friends as they value their friendship.
• Complete the comic strip with meaningful dialogues.
The answer script may look as follows. The teacher can share this format with the students beforehand:
The answer script may look as follows. The teacher can share this format with the students beforehand:
Class: Section: Roll: Subject |
Words/Phrases/Expressions | The strategy I used |
Class: Section: Roll: Subject |
Words/Phrases/Expressions | The strategy I used |
 Excited (Adjective) |  I checked this word in dictionary to know the meaning. |
 A bit earlier (Phrase) | I checked this word in dictionary to know the meaning. |
 Fun (Noun) |   I knew this word from television show |
Reactions (Noun) | I checked this word in dictionary to know the meaning. |
Beginning (Noun) | I knew this word from television show |
Picnic (Noun) | I heard this word from a cartoon show and I knew it. |
Competency 07.01.01 : Students use various reading strategies to infer meaning.
Day 3 (180 minutes/four consecutive classes)
Session five (80 minutes)
In this session, the teacher will ask the students to
• Work in groups of 4 or 5.
• Take notes for further use.
• Go through the completed comic strip in task 3 again.
• Identify the theme, characters, settings and plot of the comic strip.
• Imagine a story line using these theme, characters, settings and plot of the comic strip.
• Imagine 2/3 characters that you may need for your story line.
• Choose names for each character and think how these characters are related to each other.
• Discuss and write the dialogues the characters will tell to each other.
• Arrange the dialogues with the plot of their story.
• Decide the end part of their story.
• Decide a title for their story.
• Check on every detail of the story.
• Finally, act out the conversations in front of the class.
Take a 10-minute break
Task six (80 minutes)
In this session, the teacher will ask the students to
• Work individually (The teacher will ensure that the students will not copy any of his/her friend’s answer script).
• Reflect on the story line they have developed in Task 5.
• Reflect on the characters, settings, theme of the story they have discussed in session 5.
• Read the dialogues they have written in task 5 again.
• Write the story using all the features they have decided earlier.
• Edit the grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors and make the final version of your storyline.
• Write a short note on what (central theme, point of view, plot, setting, character, dialogue) you find interesting in the story line.
• Finally, submit a copy of your group work to the teacher
The teacher will monitor the students while they work and identify the students who did the activity
independently, who needed the peer’s help and who needed both the peer’s and the teacher’s help.
The teacher will keep a record of those students to assess them and s/he will keep the copies as a
Competency 07.04.02: Students produce texts following the features of the literary texts based on their experience/imagination
Competency 07.04.03: Students express their feelings/opinions about the literary texts