SSCSSC Paragraph

Paragraph on Sports Day in My School

Our annual sports day, held earlier this month, was full of fun and excitement. The entire school, including the playground, was decorated with flags, colourful buntings and flowers. Many boys and girls took part in the event. Preparations for the event had started a week ago. On the appointed day, our principal formally declared the day open at 10 am. The games included football and basketball matches, races, jumps and other track events.Ā  Each year, all the classes present different acts to the audience. As per the class, the acts are chosen. For instance, the junior classes perform simple acts like aerobics while the senior classes perform difficult acts like forming pyramids, long jump, and more. The sports day at my school takes place with full preparation. The preparations begin two months earlier so that students can perfect their act. We get extra time to practice for the sports day. It also helps to cut down on some academic studying which everyone enjoys. All of us practice in the sun and try to perfect our moves. On the final day, we all invite our parents to watch us perform our act. TheĀ parentsĀ come excitedly and watch and film their children perform harmoniously with the other students. Moreover, there are also marathons and walkathons which are very interesting to watch. It happens on the basis of the division of houses. The most number of wins in my school have been procured by the blue house. Thus, we all enjoy ourselves a lot on our sports day and perform for our parents and teachers. There is always a chief guest invited to our sports day that inaugurates and concludes the ceremony with their encouraging words.