Paragraph on The Street Hawker
We find street hawkers in every city. They are a common feature of city life. Therefore, they sell their goods in the streets. The streets are usually alive with shouts since morning the hawkers are found selling vegetables and fruits. They sometimes carry baskets on their heads and shout loudly about the vegetables or fruits that they carry. Thus, the housewives, who cannot afford to go to the distant market, buy vegetables and fruits from the street hawker. The street hawkers have fresh and green vegetables that they sell in the street of a big town or a big city. But during the whole day, we find a large number of hawkers. They bring other goods to sell. Sometimes they bring sweets and other dainties for the children and the ladies living in afar off streets. They use ‘Vanaspati Ghee’ or oil and sour sauce. During the summer season, the women and children wait for ice-cream sellers. They come out of their houses with money and get the eatables that they like. The mothers cannot resist their children at all and they pay for buying such things for them.   We find hawkers in the streets selling the goods that are required by the people for use in their houses. They carry articles that are inferior in quality. These are mostly cheap and third-rate articles that are brought by the womenfolk. Thus, the womenfolk are entrapped by the street hawkers to buy these cheap articles for use in their homes. A street hawker lives a hard life. Even the poor buy their articles. They are the petty customers of them. A street Hawker lives a life that is very hard. He can earn money that can hardly support him. He can hardly make both ends meet. He leads an adventurous life. As a poor man, he works is all through the day and thus he supports his children.