Story on Two Rats and the Monkey
One day two mice stole a piece of soft bread from a neighboring house. They tried to divide it equally into two parts………
But they failed to divide equally. Because each of them seriously wanted to take the larger part of the bread. None of them agreed to compromise. They even seriously fought for that issue. Lastly, they decided to put up their problem to the monkey for fair justice who was considered the wisest and most clever animal in the forest. They went to the monkey to divide the piece of bread properly. The monkey assured them The cunning monkey divided the bread into a piece in such a way that it is not equally and properly divided. Then he cut a small part of a piece to equalize the portion and ate that instantly which is larger than the other. Again, the dishes of the measure were unequal and the monkey ate another small part of the larger portion. He continued this crafty method, and the bread piece became smaller continuously. The rats understood the monkey’s cunning trick They requested the monkey to stop his work and return them the rest of the bread. The monkey didn’t stop his deception and claimed the rest of the pieces were for him as his charge.
The cunning monkey divided the piece in such a way that it was not equally divided. Then he cut a small part of a piece and ate that instantly which was larger than the other. Again, the dishes of the scale were unequal and the monkey ate another small part of the larger portion. He continued this method and the bread piece became smaller gradually. The rats understood the monkey’s crafty trick and ordered the monkey to stop that. The monkey stopped his deception but claimed the rest of the bread as his charge.
One day two cats found a piece of bread somewhere. Each of them wanted to have the larger share of it. They began quarrelling. They could not decide how to deal out with that piece of bread. They suggested too to the monkey who had a scale. So they went to the monkey to divide the bread properly. The cunning monkey divided the piece in such a way that it was not equally divided. Then he cut a small part of a piece and ate that instantly. Then the monkey brought a pair of scales and tore the bread into two pieces. He put the pieces on the scales. The monkey told that one piece was heavier than the other. He took the heavier piece and bit a small piece from it. Then the other piece became heavier. Then the monkey took a portion from that piece and put it on the scales. The pieces remained unequal even now. And the monkey did the same thing again and again. This was larger than the other. Again, the dish of the scale was unequal and the monkey ate another small part of the larger portion.
He continued this method and the piece of bread became smaller gradually. The cats understood the monkey’s crafty trick and ordered the monkey to stop that. The monkey stopped his deception but claimed the rest of the bread as his charge.
Moral: Quarrel creates the advantage for a third person.