Tit for Tat
One day an Englishman and a Bengali gentleman were travelling in the same compartment of the same train. The Englishman was very proud of himself as he was an Englishman. He felt hatred of (for) the Bengalee gentleman who took no notice of it and went to sleep in peace. As soon as the Bengali gentleman fell asleep, the Englishman picked up the gentleman’s shoes and threw them away outside the window and went to sleep. After a while the Bengali gentleman woke up and did not find his shoes. He understood everything. Then he took the Englishman’s coat and threw it away outside the window and went to sleep again. Soon after, the Englishman got up and asked about his coat. The Bengali gentleman boldly replied, “Your coat has gone to fetch my shoes.”
Note: The Bengali gentleman is Sir Austosh Mukherjee, “The Tiger of Bengal”.