SSCSSC Question

Composition : A Visit To A Historical Place

A Visit To A Historical Place

Introduction: Man is not satisfied with what he has seen and known. He wants to see and know more. He wants to get the flavor of the historical places, So as a student I have a keen interest to know the historical places of my country. Whenever I get an opportunity, I visit a place of historical interest. During the last autumn vacation, I got such an opportunity to visit Bagerhat, a place of great historical importance.

Historical places: In Bangladesh, there are some historical places. They are now regarded/declared as the World Heritage Sites. The Sundarbans, Mahastangarh, Kuakata, the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur, Sonargoan, Bagerhat etc. are the places of historical importance. Each place has its specialty and importance.

History of Bagerhat: Bagerhat is a great historical place. Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali founded this town. He was a just ruler and great saint of the fifteen century. At the time of his reign, Bagerhat was a part of the Sunderbans. He built many official buildings to run his administration. He also built many mosques and dug tanks. The buildings erected by him are now all in ruins. When I saw these historical buildings, my joys knew no bounds.

The Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali: The Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali is a fine one-storeyed building. It has a beautiful dome. Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali was buried there. The tomb is made of cut out stones. It cannot be accurately said from where these were brought. It is said that Pir Khan Jahan Ali brought these from Chittagong by floating on water.

On the tomb, there are inscriptions in Arabic. An inspiration says that he died on 25th October 1459. There is a small mosque nearby. A close associate of Khan Jahah Ali was buried outside the tomb. On the night of the full moon in the month of Chaitra, a big fair is held beside the Mazar. Many people from different parts of this country visit the fair.

The Dighi of Khan Jahan Ali: There is a big tank in front of the Mazar. The local people call it the Dighi of Khan Jahan Ali. There are some crocodiles in this big tank. They come near when the Fakirs call them and give them something to eat. I saw the Dighi with my own eyes and got much pleasure.

The Shatgambuj Mosque: I also visited the Shatgambu Mosque. It is an Islamic edifice. It is a big and beautiful building. It is still in a good condition. It stands on sixty stone pillars with its seventy-seven domes. They are made of stones. The mosque is beautifully decorated. It is said that it was used as a mosque by Pir Khan Jahan. Besides being used as a prayer hall the mosque was also used as the court of Khan Jahan Ali.

Khan Jahan Ali adorned the city of Bagerhat with numerous mosques, tanks, roads, and public buildings. The interior and exterior of the mosque give a view of rather plam architecture but the interior western wall of the mosque was beautifully decorated with terracotta flowers and foliage. The mosque has a great attraction for the tourists and visitors.

The Ghora Dighi: There is a big dighi near the Shatgambu Mosque. This dighi is called the Ghora Dighi. It is said that a horse was made to run before digging the Dighi. The horse ran straight and stood covering a certain distance. That distance was accepted as the length of the Dighi. That is why the Dighi is called Ghora Dighi. I visited this Dighi and came to know many things about the social works and reformations of Khan Jahan Ali.

Conclusion: Bagerhat is really a place of historical interest. 1 spent eight hours there and saw many historical things and enjoyed them very much. Now it is one of the World Heritage Sites. I left Bagerhat but the memory still haunts my mind.


Introduction: man is by nature fond of variety and change. Cowper says, ‘variety is the spice of life.’ A visit to a place of historical interest is a very pleasant outing with a great variety. It opens our eyes and newer world of joy, pleasure, knowledge, and experience.

Place and occasion: I had a prolonged desire to visit our capital city, Dhaka. The chance, at last, came last year during the star Sunday vacation. Father had a training course in his department at Dhaka for a week. I availed myself of the opportunity.

History of the city: Dhaka is a place of historical interest. It is a very old city. It was named Jahangir Nagar after the name of the emperor. It is now the capital city of Bangladesh. More than one core of people live here and It has still many things of historical interest. These beautiful and attractive things of Dhaka have a great appeal in the minds of the visitors of all tastes, aptitudes, and temperaments.

Description: my first visit started with the seeing of the fort of Lalbagh built by Shaistakhan. Then I visited Bara Katara, Chotao katara and the tomb of Pair Bbanu. Next, I visited toe Dhakeswari temple, the Hussein Dalan, the cannon of Mir-Jumla and the Ahsan Manzil of the Nawab of Dhaka. All these have great historical interest. I also paid a visit to now Dhaka. The things and places I saw in new Dhaka were mainly: the medical college, the university the Salimullah Muslim hall, the new market, the Bangladesh Bank, the stadium, the airport, the national museum and the zoological garden at Mirpur. I also paid a visit to the secretariat, the Sangsad Bhaban, the high court, the Baitul Mukarram, the Gulsan model town, the banana and the Hotel Sheraton. All these left an ever-lasting impression on my mind with their striking charms and views.

End of the visit: though my visit came to an end, my imagination kept roaming about with my senses all over the passed-by way. It seemed to me that the time had passed away so swiftly. My feelings can best be expressed in the words of the poet.

“The day so soon has glided by

Even like the passage of an angel’s tear”

I left Dhaka with a mind full of boundless joy and excitement.

The necessity of visiting places: man has an ardent curiosity to know the unknown, to see the unseen and to explore the unexplored. He cannot live a confined life within the four walls of his houses. He feels monotony and boredom of his routine-bound hard-felt daily life and seeks relief elsewhere. Shakespeare says,

“Those who have never moved an inch from their house remain ignorant on many things. They are just like frogs in a well.”

This kind of need of our mind can be appealed to a great extent by visiting the beautiful and attractive things always haunt human minds and give immense joy and pleasure. Keats also sings in the praise of the beautiful things, ‘a thing of beauty is a joy forever.’ The things of historical interest are also the things of beauty and joy for all. This is why we must make time out of our routine-bound compact life to stand and stare at these things of beauty and attraction. It is also emphasized by the poet.

“What is this life is full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?”

Conclusion: my visit to Dhaka was indeed very interesting and instructive to me. Still, now the memory of visiting Dhaka floats up before my mind’s eye one after another and fills my mind with immense joy and pleasure and act as a source of bliss in the solitude. To quote the poet,

“I gazed and gazed but little thought,

What wealth the show to me had brought.”

It is needless to say that the sweet memory of the visit shall remain ever fresh in my mind.