HSCHSC Paragraph

Paragraph on Bullying

Threatening someone, causing fear in their mind, to get things done that the person is not comfortable with is called bullying. A bully typically has an overbearing personality causing harm intentionally to a person who is weak or timid. The person who is bullied develops low self-esteem and anxiety and loses confidence. Certain traits of a person can suggest that he or she could be a victim of bullying.

Generally, their social skills are underdeveloped and hence have few or no friends. They are non-assertive and shy. They are often left out in parties or gatherings. Handicap of any form and weak and small physical stature too could be reasons for a victim to get repeatedly bullied. These victims often go through depression and would try to avoid those environments where they usually are bullied.

Bullying in schools is a common phenomenon. Some consider bullying as an unavoidable menace during childhood. However, the communities have come up with effective strategies to counter this menace. It is paramount to create awareness among the students about the existence of bullying, the signs of bullying and the consequences of bullying to save a bully from becoming a criminal and spare a victim from long-lasting hurt. Parents’ participation should be made integral in the anti-bullying programs. Bullying is an omnipresent threat. It extends beyond the school premises. Bullying has its presence at homes, work environments, sports and different industries. Cyberbullying, using technology to harass or embarrass, is also on the rise. Considering the damage, that bullying can cause to both the perpetrator and the victim, identification and prompt intervention is the need of the hour to curb this menace.


When someone or many people scare, abuse or dominate other person, it is called bullying. This can happen in school, office, street or at home. Such behaviour is a habit of some people and so they do it again and again. Bullying is very common for children in schools. Bullying can be verbal in which children make fun of others, call them by bad names, spread rumours about them. It can be physical in which they hit others or destroy their things. It can also happen on phone or computer when someone uses dirty language or send bad pictures or messages. Intentionally making someone feel alone is also bullying. Bullying There are many reasons which lead to bullying. Sometimes children who bully are jealous of others. They cannot see anyone doing better than them and so they start bullying others. Some bully because they were bullied by someone else earlier. Such children try to take revenge by doing the same to others to feel powerful now. Others bully because they are not happy with themselves. They may have some physical or mental problem and they try to take out their anger by bullying others. Bullying is growing a lot in our society nowadays. It affects students and people badly and many times it also affects their health. One loses confidence when one is bullied. The person starts being alone and stops talking to others. It affects his studies and his health. Some children start suffering from depression and they can also commit suicide. Bullying is very harmful and there are many ways to prevent it. Parents and teachers should always try to be friendly with children. This makes them comfortable and they start sharing their feelings. They should also talk to the child who bullies others and know the reason. Parents should teach good manners and behaviours to their children. They must tell them that they should respect others and become friends with everyone.