Heroes of Bengal; Chapter 8 Question Answer

Vocabulary: Placement- বসান, Monitor – পর্যবেক্ষণ করা, Unmindful – অন্যমনস্ক, Watch station – পাহারা দেওয়ার জায়গা, Console – সান্ত্বনা দেওয়া, সমবেদনা জানান, Deadly – মারাত্মক, প্রাণঘাতি, Task – কাজ, Accordingly – অনুযায়ী, Martyr – যোদ্ধা, Lemonade – শরবত, কোমল পানীয়।

class 7 English chapter 8 question answer

8.1 1 Look at the pictures below and in pairs identify the position/placement of the living and non-living things. Then, in pairs ask and answer questions to know their placements. One is done for you.

a. What can you see on the table?
Ans. I can see books, pens, paper, table-lamp and a globe.

b. Where is the chair?
Ans. The chair is next to the table.

c. Where is the pen?
Ans. The pen is next to the papers.

d. Where is the cat?
Ans. The cat is under the table.

e. What can you see between the globe and the pen-holder?
Ans. I can see table-lamp, papers and pen between the globe and the pen-holder.

8.2 Read the note given below. Now, in pairs make more questions and practice asking & answering questions with help of the note.

1. Where is the sofa?
Ans. The sofa is beside the table.

2. Where is the window?
Ans. The window is beside the table.

3. Where is the stapler machine?
Ans. The stapler machine is inside the drawer.

4. Where is the butterfly?
Ans. The butterfly is on the wall.

5. Where is the calendar?
Ans. The calendar is in front of the wall.

6. Where is the picture?
Ans. The picture is over the table.
Or, The picture is on the wall.

7. Where is the flower tab?
Ans. The flower tab on the window.

8. What can you see between the window and the picture?
Ans. I can see a butterfly between the window and the picture?

heroes of Bengal class 7

8.3 Work in a group of 3. Take a book, a pen, a school bag, and a notebook (khata) in your group. One member in your group will give instructions from the box below and another member will do the task accordingly and the third one will monitor whether he/she is doing the task correctly or not. By turns, every member will do the task.
Note: Student should perform this at classroom.

8.4 Let’s play the game “Who remembers the most?” Look at the picture for 1 minute and identify the location of the things.

Identifying the location of the things In the classroom, there is a blackboard on the wall. Just at a corner under the blackboard. there are a piece of chalk and a duster in a tiny holder. There are a table and two chairs between the boy and the girl. The boy is pointing his finger towards the ceiling, whereas the girl is stretching out her hands on both sides. I can see a globe, a pen holder, two notebooks with a pen on each, two pieces of white paper, three books, a geometry box, compasses, a ruler, a stapler, a strip of blue paper, three or four pens, one or two pencils, four pieces of chalk and a duster on the table. The globe and the pen holder (holding a pen, a pencil and a marker pen) are at opposite corners on the table. A notebook (with a pen on top) is lying between them. Next to it, a piece of white paper, four pieces of chalk and the duster are seen between the stapler (which is on the slice of blue paper) and the blue book. Beside them, I can find the geometry box with compasses. A pencil, a ruler and a pen are lying around it. Another notebook with a pen on top and another piece of white paper are seen in the middle of the pen and two books (one on top of another). I can also see a bat leaning against the table on the floor. On both sides of the bat, there are two school bags on the floor. There is also a dustbin near the table. A magenta book is lying on a chair and a football is on the other.

8.5 Read the following note and discuss in pairs/groups.


The words like ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ are connecting words, groups of words, or short sentences. They are called conjunctions.

And: We use ‘and’ to add something similar. E.g. The father and his son are playing badminton.

But: We use ‘but’ when we want to say something opposite to what has already been mentioned. e,g – I like cricket but I don’t like tennis.

Or: We use ‘or’ when only one option is possible. E.g. We will go to Cox’s Bazar next Friday or Saturday.


Student 1: Would you please tell me which words are used to connect words, or short sentences?

Student 2: The words like ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ are connecting words, groups of words, or short sentences.

Student 1: What are the called?

Student 2: They are called conjunctions.

Student 1: When do we use ‘and’?

Student 2: We use ‘and’ to add something similar. E.g. The father and his son are playing badminton.

Student 1: When do we use ‘but’?

Student 2: We use ‘but’ when we want to say something opposite to what has already been mentioned. e,g – I like cricket but I don’t like tennis.

Student 1: When do we use ‘or’?

Student 2: We use ‘or’ when only one option is possible. E.g. We will go to Cox’s Bazar next Friday or Saturday.

8.6 Now, read the following text and write the functions/purposes of the highlighted conjunctions in the sentences.
One day Badal and his elder brother were going to school. His brother was talking, but suddenly he became silent. He was looking unmindful. Badal asked the reason but his brother didn’t answer. At school, they saw many people in the playground. There were local people, many students, and some teachers also. They heard the Headteacher say, “We will bring independence, or will die.”

1. His brother was talking, but suddenly he became silent.
2. One day Badal and his elder brother were going to school.
3. We will bring independence or will die.

The function of the conjunction:
1. Connects opposite ideas
2. Connects similar noun/pronoun
3. Shows the options

8.7 Read the story below. Now, in groups make a list of prepositions and conjunctions you find in the text in the given table.

Heroes of Bengal

Badal could still remember the day. It was on Sunday, in September of 1971. How old was he at that time? Probably, 14 or 15 years old. Badal with twelve freedom fighters marched to enter Dhaka city. He was young but he dared to fight against the Pakistani army.

It was very early in the morning when the city was sleeping in fear and worry, but the freedom fighters did not have sleep and attacked an army watch station at Jatrabari. They first destroyed a truck in front of the station. Seeing this, the army came with a deadly response. But due to the sudden attack, the Pakistani army could not continue fighting.

They had only two options left for them – one was to surrender before the freedom fighters or die. They eventually got shot and died, and the freedom fighters destroyed the station at the price of four freedom fighters. Among the freedom fighters, there was also Badal’s elder brother. When he thought of the incident, his eyes filled with tears. But he consoled himself that because of his brother’s sacrifice as well as other martyred freedom fighters, we got our independence. They are the real heroes of Bengal!

বাদল তখনও মনে করতে পারত দিনটির কথা। এটা ছিল রবিবার, ১৯৭১ সালের সেপ্টেম্বর। তখন তার বয়স কত ছিল? সম্ভবত, ১৪ বা ১৫ বছর। বাদল ১২ জন মুক্তিযোদ্ধা নিয়ে ঢাকা শহরে প্রবেশের জন্য মিছিল করে। সে তরুণ ছিল কিন্তু পাকিস্তানি বাহিনীর বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করার সাহস করেছিল।

খুব ভোরে শহর যখন ভয়ে ও দুশ্চিন্তায় ঘুমিয়ে ছিল, কিন্তু মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা না ঘুমিয়ে যাত্রাবাড়ীতে সেনাবাহিনীর একটি ওয়াচ স্টেশন আক্রমণ করে। তারা প্রথমে স্টেশনের সামনে একটি ট্রাক ধ্বংস করে। তা দেখে প্রাণঘাতী জবাব দিতে আসে সেনাবাহিনী। কিন্তু আকস্মিক আক্রমণের কারণে পাকিস্তানি সেনারা যুদ্ধ চালিয়ে যেতে পারেনি।

তাদের কাছে মাত্র দুটি বিকল্প ছিল- একটি ছিল মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের সামনে আত্মসমর্পণ করা অথবা মৃত্যুবরণ করা। অবশেষে তারা গুলিবিদ্ধ হয়ে মারা যায় এবং মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা চার মুক্তিযোদ্ধার জীবনের মূল্যে স্টেশনটি ধ্বংস করে দেয়। মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের মধ্যে বাদলের বড় ভাইও ছিলেন। ঘটনার কথা ভাবতেই তার চোখ জলে ভরে গেল। তবে সে নিজেকে সান্ত¡না দিয়েছিল যে তার ভাইয়ের পাশাপাশি অন্যান্য শহীদ মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের আত্মত্যাগের কারণে আমরা আমাদের স্বাধীনতা পেয়েছি। এরাই বাংলার আসল নায়ক!

List of prepositions and conjunctions:
Prepositions- on, in, at, with, to, of, for, before, among
Conjunctions- or, but, and

8.8 In pairs/groups read the following text and fill the gaps with the appropriate preposition from the box.

Badal’s family lives in a village. It’s a green village under an open blue sky. The village is besides a big river. There is a bridge on the river. A village hat (market) sits at one end of the village on Thursday. In fact, people can buy and sell fish and vegetables at the afternoon every day. Badal’s school was one kilometre away from his home. He used to go to school on foot with his brother. Often he went to school by rickshaw.

8.9 Let’s play the game, “Where am I?”!


·         Sit on a Chair.

·         Stand in front of the table.

·         Stand beside the table.

·         Keep a duster, a whiteboard marker, and a pen on the table.

·         Sit under the table.

·         Lift hands over the head.

·         Keep a pen in hand.

·         Keep a waste bin behind the table.

8.10 In pairs or groups read the sentences. And then, connect them using ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’.
a) I like cooking and eating.
b) I drank lemonade and a glass of cold water.
c) He reached school on time but his friend was late.
d) I want to go to play but I’m sick.
e) Is it Thursday or it Friday today?
f) My mother wants me to be a teacher but my father wants me to be a football player.
g) One day his father went to the market and he bought a football for him.
h) Our Headteacher is honest and very friendly.
i) I’m hungry but have nothing to eat.

8.11 Let’s Decorate Our Dream Reading Room

Hello friends! I am Tania and this is my dream reading room. There is a very beautiful river beside my reading room. Since I spend most of my day in this reading room, I have decorated this room to my heart’s content. The bed is next to the window in my reading room. Lying in bed, I enjoy the moonlight night. I always keep a teddy bear on the bed. Beside the bed there is a sofa and small table.

And there is a vase on this table. I love to sing in my free time. So I keep a guitar next to this table. There is ceiling fan over my head in the middle of my reading room. A map of Bangladesh is hanged on the wall behind the sofa. There is also a calendar next to this map to view the dates. To the left of the sofa is an almirah and a bookshelf. There is another small table in front of my bed.

On this table there is a jug and a glass. The reading table is next to the other window in my reading room. This is my favorite part of the reading room. Beside this reading table is a chair. A globe, a clock and some books are on either side of the table. Between them, there is also a table lamp. I keep my necessary paper and pen on this table. This is how I set up my reading room.

অনুবাদ: হ্যালো বন্ধুরা! আমি তানিয়া আর এটা আমার স্বপ্নের পড়ার ঘর। আমার পড়ার ঘরের পাশে খুব সুন্দর একটা নদী আছে। যেহেতু আমি আমার দিনের বেশিরভাগ সময় এই পড়ার ঘরে কাটাই, তাই আমি এই ঘরটিকে মনেরমত সাজিয়েছি। আমার পড়ার ঘরের জানালার পাশেই রয়েছে বিছানা। বিছানায় শুয়ে জোস্না রাতে আমি চাঁদের আলো উপভোগ করি। বিছানার ওপর আমি সব সময় একটি টেডি বিয়ার রাখি।

বিছানার পাশেই রয়েছে একটি সোফা এবং ছোট্ট টেবিল। আর এই টেবিলের ওপর আছে একটি ফুলদানি। আমি আমার অবসর সময় গান করতে ভালোবাসি। তাই একটি গিটার আমি এই টেবিলের পাশে রাখি। আমার পড়ার ঘরের ঠিক মাঝখানে মাথার ওপর একটি সিলিং ফ্যান রয়েছে। সোফার পিছনের দেয়ালে বাংলাদেশের একটি মানচিত্রের ছবি টানানো রয়েছে। এছাড়াও তারিখ দেখার জন্য একটি ক্যালেন্ডার এই মানচিত্রের পাশে রয়েছে। সোফার বাম পাশেই আছে একটি আলমিরা এবং একটি বইয়ের তাক।

আমার বিছানার সামনে রয়েছে ছোট আরো একটি টেবিল। এই টেবিলের ওপর একটি জগ এবং একটি গ্লাস থাকে। আমার পড়ার ঘরের অপর জানালাটির পাশেই রয়েছে পড়ার টেবিল। পড়ার ঘরের এটিই আমার সর্বাপেক্ষা প্রিয় জায়গা। এই পড়ার টেবিলের পাশে আছে একটি চেয়ার। একটি গোলক, একটি ঘরি এবং কিছু বই টেবিলের দুই দিকে থাকে। এছাড়াও এগুলোর মধ্যে একটি টেবিল ল্যাম্প থাকে। আমার প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজ কলম এই টেবিলের ওপর রাখি। এভাবেই আমি আমার পড়ার ঘরকে সাজিয়েছি।

Class: 7, Subject: English, Chapter wise exercise

Chapter 8: Heroes of Bengal

New vocabulary:

Vocabulary শব্দকোষ
Placement বসানো
Monitor উপদেশক
Unmindful উদাসীন
Watch station পর্যবেক্ষন স্টেশন
Console সান্তনা
Deadly  মারাত্মক
Task কাজ
Accordingly অনুসারে
Martyr শহিদ
Lemonade লেবুর শরবত
8.1 1 Look at the pictures below and in pairs identify the position/placement of the living
and non-l iving things. Then, in pairs ask and answer questions to know their
placements. One is done for you.
a. What can you see on the table?
Ans. I can see books, pens, paper, table-lamp and a globe.
b. Where is the chair?
Ans. The chair is next to the table.
c. Where is the pen?
Ans. (….)