Paragraph: Dowry System
Dowry denotes property or money brought by a bride to bridegroom when they get married. Usually in our society female children suffer from inferiority complex by born as they are considered as burden of our society and they are thought to be good for nothing to the family.  Dowry system is a curse in our social life. This system is very harmful to the society. The cause of dowry system is mainly the Hindu religious tradition. The Hindu women cannot inherit their paternal property.  That’s why cash money, various ornaments, goods, dresses etc. are given in their marriage ceremony. This evil tradition is established in Muslim society day by day. Moreover the existing socio-economic condition, greediness of groom and his families are also responsible for this horrible social aspect. Many innocent women fall victim to dowry system and their lives become miserable. Many times, as a consequence of this, the girls take the way of suicide or they are killed by their husbands or others. There are some women who go back to their father’s home forever. So, at the time of wedding ceremony a section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. The poor and illiterate girls mainly victims of dowry. If the guardians fail to fulfill the demand of their bridegroom, they abuse their wives and sometimes torture them mentally sometimes physically. As a result many of them get divorced or commit suicide or killed by their husbands. This system has affected our whole society. Nowadays parents cannot think of getting marry their daughter off without giving dowry to the bridegroom. We all should be dead against this evil system of the society. This malady should be wiped out from the society presently. This social curse can be eradicated by changing the outlook and attitude of the people specially the male member of the society and by bringing the persons under force who take dowry.