Something told the wild geese – by Rachel Field
Something told the wild geese
– by Rachel Field
Something told the wild geese
It was time to go;
Though the fields lay golden
Something whispered, — “snow”.
Leaves were green and stirring,
Berries, luster-glossed,
But beneath warm feathers
Something cautioned, — “frost”.
All the sagging orchards
Steamed with amber spice,
But each wild breast stiffened
At remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese
It was time to fly —
Summer sun was on their wings,
Winter in their cry.
“কিছুটা বলেছিল বন্য গিজদের”
কিছুটা বলেছিল বন্য গিজদের,
এখন সময় চলে যাওয়ার,
যদিও মাঠগুলি সোনালি হয়ে পড়ে ছিল,
কিন্তু কিছুটা ফিসফিস করেছিল, “তুষার আসছে।”
পাতা ছিল সবুজ এবং নড়ে চলেছিল,
বেরি ছিল চকচকে,
কিন্তু উষ্ণ পালকের নীচে,
কিছুটা সাবধান করেছিল, “তুষারপাত।”
সব বাগানগুলি যেন হালকা সুরভিত,
স্বর্ণালি মিষ্টি গন্ধে ভরে ছিল,
কিন্তু প্রতিটি বন্য পাখির বুক সোজা হয়ে উঠল,
প্রাচীন বরফের স্মৃতি মনে আসতে।
কিছুটা বলেছিল বন্য গিজদের,
এখন সময় উড়াল দেওয়ার,
গ্রীষ্মের রোদ তাদের ডানায় ছিল,
কিন্তু শীতে ভরা তাদের ডাক।
“Something Told the Wild Geese” by Rachel Field is a short poem in which the speaker reflects on the natural instinct and migration of wild geese. The poem explores the idea that the geese, guided by an internal sense, know when it’s time to leave and head south for the winter. The geese are depicted as being in tune with nature’s rhythms, which contrasts with human life where people often struggle to listen to their inner voice.
The poem’s central theme is the concept of following instinct and the inevitable change of seasons. It highlights the cyclical nature of life and the idea that some things, like the geese’s migration, happen without question or hesitation, as if they are compelled by a deep, mysterious knowledge.
The theme of the poem “Something Told the Wild Geese” by Rachel Field centers around the concepts of instinct, migration, and the cyclical nature of life. The poem explores how the wild geese are guided by an inner sense or instinct, urging them to migrate. This natural, unspoken guidance reflects the larger themes of life’s rhythms, the changing seasons, and the inevitable passage of time.
At a deeper level, the poem can also be interpreted as a meditation on the interconnectedness of nature and how creatures are in tune with forces beyond human understanding. The geese’s migration symbolizes the inevitability of change and the sense of purpose that guides all living beings.
Literary Term:
The poem Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field uses several literary terms, but one of the most prominent is personification. In the poem, the wild geese are described as being “told” something, which gives them human-like qualities, as if they can receive and act upon information in a way that suggests they possess knowledge or awareness. This is an example of giving human attributes to animals or natural elements.
Additionally, symbolism is also used in the poem. The wild geese symbolize migration and the changing of seasons, representing the passage of time and the cyclical nature of life.
Here are some short questions and answers based on the poem Something Told the Wild Geese:
Q: Who is the poet of the poem “Something Told the Wild Geese”?
A: The poet is Rachel Field.
Q: What did the wild geese hear in the poem?
A: The wild geese heard a voice or a feeling telling them to fly south.
Q: What does the speaker suggest the wild geese feel about flying south?
A: The wild geese feel an instinctive call or urge to migrate, despite the season.
Q: What season is it in the poem when the wild geese start flying?
A: It is autumn, and the weather is becoming colder.
Q: What is the meaning of the phrase “Something told the wild geese”?
A: It refers to an inner feeling or instinct that guided the geese to migrate.
Q: How does the poem relate to nature?
A: The poem reflects the natural instincts of animals and the changing seasons.
Q: What is the message or theme of the poem?
A: The poem conveys themes of instinct, nature, and the changing cycles of life.
Q: What happens after the wild geese hear the message?
A: The wild geese fly south to escape the cold weather, following their natural instincts.
Here are some short questions and answers related to the poem “Something Told the Wild Geese” by Rachel Field:
1.What did the wild geese do in the poem?
Answer: The wild geese flew south, migrating to warmer places.
2. What did the wild geese feel or sense?
Answer: They sensed that it was time to migrate, as something told them to fly south.
3. What is the “something” that told the wild geese?
Answer: The “something” is a mysterious, natural force or instinct that guides the geese.
4. What season is suggested in the poem?
Answer: The poem suggests the arrival of autumn or the change of seasons, as the geese are migrating.
5. What does the poet suggest about nature’s wisdom?
Answer: The poet suggests that nature has an innate wisdom that guides animals, like the wild geese, in their actions.
6. What mood does the poem create?
Answer: The poem creates a reflective and calm mood, emphasizing the connection between nature and instinct.
7. What is the significance of the wild geese flying south?
Answer: The wild geese flying south signifies the change of seasons and the natural cycle of migration.
8. How does the poet convey a sense of mystery?
Answer: The poet uses the word “something” to describe the unknown force, creating a sense of mystery about what guides the geese.
9. How does the poem reflect the theme of instinct?
Answer: The wild geese follow an instinctive pull to migrate, which reflects the theme of natural instinct guiding behavior.
10. What does the poem suggest about listening to nature?
Answer: The poem suggests that nature speaks to those who are attuned to its rhythms, and we should trust and follow these natural cues.