SSCSSC Application

Write a application to the Headmaster for sifting classes in the morning

Write a application to the Headmaster for sifting classes in the morning.

27 March, 2023

The Headmaster
Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur

Subject: Request for shifting classes in the morning.


We, the students of your school, would like to bring to your kind attention to the fact that the summer season has commenced with great severity this year. The heats become unbearable at mid-day. It is quite difficult to attend the classes after 11 am. Many students remain absent due to excessive heat. Moreover, at mid-day sufficient vehicles are not available. As a result we feel hazards both to come and return from school.

We, therefore, hope that you would kindly shift the classes in the morning.

Sincerely –
Sujon Ahmed
Class: XII
Roll No. 15
On behalf of the students of
The Students of Faridpur Zilla School

27 March, 2023

The Headmaster
Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur

Subject: Change of shift from Evening to Morning.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect humbly stated that I want to change my shift from Evening to Morning because the Evening shift does not suit my health and it also costs me a lot of difficulty at pack time because of its great detachment from my home. My family is very troubled due to my studies. My other siblings are schooling from the morning shift of this school and I also want to go home with them on time.

I am a good student of my class and there will be huge development in my educational performance if you shift me to the morning. I am losing my eyesight degree steadily and slowly due to this shift and which causes me a sign of bad health. Kindly see to my state and alter my shift.

Yours Obediently,

Sultan Mahmood

Roll No: 02

Class: X

Shift: Day