A dialogue between you and your friend on load shedding
Myself : Hi, how do you do?
My friend : Fine, thank you and you?
Myself : I am also fine. Have you read today’s newspaper?
My friend : No, but why?
Myself : There is a report on load shedding.
My friend : Actually, I don’t know much about load shedding. Would you please tell me something about it?
Myself : Sure. Load shedding means the discontinuation of electricity. It occurs when the supply of electricity falls short to the demand. At present it is one of the greatest problem of our country. And it is occurring every day and hampering our daily life.
My friend : What are the reasons behind it?
Myself : The population of Bangladesh is increasing every day. And as Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, load shedding is more acute here.
My friend : Who are the worst sufferer of load shedding?
Myself : Everyone. But specially the students, patients, housewives, children and the adult people are the worst sufferer of load shedding.
My friend : So, what should we do now?
Myself : We should at first try to raise public awareness. Then the government should take necessary steps to reduce load shedding. We should not waste electricity and the government must take steps to establish more power plant.
My friend : Thank you so much for your kind information.
Myself : Don’t mention. It’s my pleasure.
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