SSCSSC Dialogue

Dialogue About How To Improve Skills in English

A dialogue between two friends about how to improve English

Hamza  : Hello Rony. How are you?

Worvy   : I’m fine. What about you?

Hamza : I have become serious about learning better English. From today, I will not speak Bangla with you.

Hamza   : Why?

Worvy  : The reason is simple. I want to practice spoken English.

Hamza   : It’s a good proposition. I agree.

Worvy  : Yes, if we want to develop our spoken English we have to speak in English always.

Hamza   : it’s true. Moreover, we should not think of other’s criticism.

Worvy  : We should also develop our reading and writing habits.

Hamza   :  But how can we do that?

Worvy  : We can develop reading skill through reading of literature and newspapers. We can develop writing    through free writing on familiar topics.

Hamza   :  I have difficulty in understanding English spoken by British or an American.

Worvy  : It’s a problem for me too. But I have developed a lot by listening to BBC.  Yes, I always read the newspaper and practice speaking English with my sister. Besides, I regularly listen to English news like CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera

Hamza   : But for this wee need to know grammar.

Worvy  : Yes, we cannot avoid it. Grammar is necessary for making the language understandable to all and for better communication.

Hamza : But, you know I am weak in grammar.

Worvy : There are four modules in English such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Have you heard of these four modules before?

Hamza : Not exactly. Can you explain more, please?

Worvy : Of course, these four modules are basic skills for learning English.

Hamza : All right. How do I start my learning?

Worvy : You should regularly practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Hamza : I will practice them every day. How did you learn English so quickly?

Worvy : First, I learned English grammar. Then I’ve enriched my vocabulary.

Hamza : Have you followed any further techniques to improve your English skills?

Worvy : Yes, I always read the newspaper and practice speaking English with my sister. Besides, I regularly listen to English news like CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera.

Hamza : Oh, I see. But is that all?

Worvy : No. Every day you have to write some pages. Besides, you have to learn new vocabulary and their correct use and spelling. You have to write your diary in English every day.

Hamza : What should be my first attempt to improve English?
Worvy : I will suggest reading lots of books. Book reading is important to understand a language. You will get a huge idea of vocabulary and will learn tons of new words that you will be able to use in your future conversations and writings.
Hamza: That’s great, I never thought like that. Can you help me get some books?
Worvy : Yes, I can.

Hamza : Oh, these are great ideas for improving my English skills fast.

Worvy   : Yes, I agree. Now, let’s go to the class.

Hamza  : Ok.