Female Education
Education is the backbone of a nation. The prosperity of a country mainly depends on the education of her population. About fifty percent of the total population of a country is female. A country cannot expect her prosperity avoiding this large part of population. A man or woman,without education leads the life of a lower animal.
” If you educate a man, you educate a man. If you educate a woman, you educate a nation”.
Female are almost half of the total populations of Bangladesh. Their intellectual, psychological and moral levels influence the whole nation to a great extent. As a result female education in Bangladesh is given importance for her national growth and development. But the scenario is not so satisfactory.
In our family and social life, the female play a very vital role. As mothers, sisters and housewives, their function is highly important. They give the children primary academic education and moral lesson. The mental make- up, nature, behavior, moral values, character, personality- everything of the children largely depend on the knowledge and skills of the female. Even the health and treatment of the family members are also largely dependent on their care and consciousness. Actually female are the key factors in the family life.
Of course, education is a basic human right, but for a developing nation like Bangladesh, attention needs to be paid to female education in particular. It is a common practice in rural households to not send their young daughters to schools as they believe females are born to solely run households. To have such a belief in the year 2016 is alarming and that is why the education system in our country is in dire need of certain reforms.
It is highly important to bring up young girls in our country as educated women. If a cost-benefit analysis is done, the benefits will certainly outweigh the costs. First and foremost, the number of child brides in Bangladesh will take a dive. The national average age of conceiving children will rise as a result, and this means the health of both the new born and the mother will not be compromised. Due to receiving primary education, these individuals will have some set of skills which can act as a base of attaining specialized skills in future. When women finally decide to start a family, they are more likely to recognize the importance of education and ensure education for their children as well. And most importantly, these women will not discriminate between their sons and daughters, if they had grown up being treated the same as their brothers.
There is a wise saying of Napoleon,
“One educated mother is more powerful than one hundred soldiers”.
We can see that women in the developed countries are independent. They compete with men in all spheres of life. Unfortunately, women in Bangladesh are neglected. They always receive less importance in every sphere of our life including education. So, we should change our outlook regarding female education. We are fortunate that the government has made primary education free and compulsory for all who are five to seven years old. The Government is also supplying books up to class V free of cost. In order to build a good nation Govt. has taken this noble initiative.
A woman has a significant role as a citizen in the state as well. She has to know her rights, privileges and duties. If she gets education, she can prove her worth.
In our society women are mostly neglected. They are deprived in every shape of our life. If they get education, they will feel themselves powerful and nobody can deprive them.
Government of Bangladesh has taken some positive steps to promote female education and has made female education and has made female education free upto HSC level. To encourage female folk in education they are even special quota in jobs.
Apart from these, media are playing praiseworthy role to promote female education. A day will come in Bangladesh when all females go hand in hand with men in every sector.
We cannot think of the progress of our country avoiding our females. So,all necessary steps should be taken to encourage female education for the survival of our country. It is a matter of joy that our government has already taken different steps for the expansion of female education.