Transformation of Sentence: Assertive to Imperative (Vice Versa) & Combine Exercise

1. Rule 1 : Assertive Sentence   এ যদি 2 nd Person  ( You) Subject হিসেবে থাকে , তবে Imperative করার সময়  You + should তুলে দিয়ে তার   পরের অংশ বসালেই হয়ে যাবে । উদাহরন —

Assertive :  You should open the door.

Imperative :  Open the door.

2.  Rule 2 : Assertive Sentence   এ যদি 2 nd Person  ( You) Subject হিসেবে থাকে এবং should এর পরে not থাকে তবে, Imperative করার সময়  You + should not তুলে দিয়ে তার পরিবর্তে   Do not / Don’t   বসিয়ে বাকি অংশ বসাতে হয়  । উদাহরন ঃ

Assertive : You should not open the window.
Imperative :  Do not / Don’t open the window.
3. Rule 3 :  Assertive Sentence এর Subject যদি 2nd Person ( You ) না থাকে অর্থাৎ 1st Person ( I, We) , 3rd Person ( He, any name , they ) ইত্যাদি থাকে এবং   বাক্যটি Affirmative ( not ছাড়া ) হয় , তবে   Imperative করার সময়  প্রথমে Let বসাতে হয়, এরপর should  এর স্থলে Subject      টির   Object বসাতে হয় ।
Subject                               Object
He —————————- him
She ————————— her
They ————————- them
I —————————– me
We ————————— us

উদাহরন ঃ

Assertive :  He should play football.
Imperative : Let him play football.
4. Rule 4 :  Assertive Sentence এর Subject যদি 2nd Person ( You ) না থাকে অর্থাৎ 1st Person ( I, We) , 3rd Person ( He, any name , they ) ইত্যাদি থাকে এবং   বাক্যটি Negative  হয় , তবে   Imperative করার সময়  প্রথমে Let বসাতে হয়, তারপর Subject Pronoun ( he, she , they etc) থাকলে সেই Subject এর  Object বসিয়ে , তারপর not দিতে হবে ।

উদাহরন ঃ

Assertive : He should / does not play football.
Imperative : Let him not play football.
তবে Subject টি যদি Noun ( কোন নাম ) থাকে তবে Imperative করার সময়  প্রথমে Let বসাতে হয়, এরপর not বসিয়ে তারপর Subject টি Noun আকারেই বসাতে হবে।

উদাহরন ঃ

Assertive : Rahim should not play football.
Imperative : Let not Rahim play football.

Imperative to Assertive and vice versa

Assertive sentences= Subject + (should/must/ought to) + verb +ext.

Imperative sentences start with verb, let, please, kindly, always, never

Assertive Imperative
Subject (2nd person) affirmative Verb + object + ext. (expressing order)Please/kindly+verb+object+ext. (expressing request)
Subject (2nd person) negativenever Do not + verb + object + ext.Never + verb + object + ext.
Subject (1st/3rd  person) affirmative Let + object of subject + verb + object + ext.
Subject (1st/3rd  person) negativenever Let + object of subject + not + verb + object + ext.Let + object of subject + never+ verb + object + ext.

Look at the following example

Assertive Imperative
a. You should/must/ought to do the work. affirmative Do the work.Please do the work.

Kindly do the work.

b. You should/must not do the work.c. You should never run fast. negativenever Do not do the work.Never run fast.
d. I should do the work.e. He should do the work. affirmative Let me do the work.Let him do the work.
f. We should not hate the poor.g. We should never tell a lie. negativenever Let us not hate the poor.

Let us never tell a lie.

Turn from Imperative to Assertive
a. Imp: Get lost.Ass: You should get lost.
1. Change the sentence as directed.


Don’t look down upon the poor. (Passive) (b) Suddenly I noticed a very nice deer. (Interrogative) (c) It only remained sleeping. (Negative) (d) What a sound sleep it slept. (Assertive) (e) A deer found nowhere but in the zoo now. (Affirmative)


(a) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was a very kind man. (Negative) (b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative) (c) He was not married (Affirmative) (d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Passive sentence) (e) He was very generous. (Exclamatory)


(a) Frugality is a good habit. (Negative) (b) A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons. (Affirmative) (c) We should practise it. (Passive) (d) He can save money. (Interrogative) (e) He leads a happy life. (Exclamatory)


Ruplal lived lived in a small village. (a) He lived with his family. (Interrogative) (b) Ruplal wanted a peaceful life. (Passive) (c) The village people were very quarrelsome. (Exclamatory) (d) Ruplal’s life was not peaceful in the jungle. (Interrogative) (e) Ruplal took only a bag with him. (Negative)


(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive) (c) Cricket is very costly game. (Negative) (d) Nobody dislikes a cricketer. (Affirmative) (e) Would that I could be a great cricketer! (Assertive)


(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative) (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative) (c) Today many freedom fighters lead a very miserable life. (Exclamatory) (d) Their allowances should be increased. (Active) (e) We should regard their sacrifice. (Negative)


(a) Email is a very popular way to send message and data to other people. (Interrogative) (b) Who does not know this? (Affirmative) (c) It is a very easy system to operate. (Exclamatory) (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message. (Negative) (e) Now people use it commercially. (Passive)


(a) Who has not heard the name of the Padma? (Assertive) (b) It is called the river of destruction. (Interrogative) (c) The river is very turbulent. (Negative) (d) It assumes a very terrible shape in the rainy season. (Exclamatory) (e) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)


(a) The idle only curse their fate (Passive) (b) They can improve their condition by working hard. (Interrogative) (c) Everybody dislikes an idle man. (Negative) (d) An idle student is never punctual to attend his classes. (Affirmative) (e) We should be industrious to be successful in life. (Imperative)


(a)Computer is a very useful thing. (Negative) (b) Every student needs computer. (Passive) (c) It is a very great invention of modern science. (Exclamatory) (d) It was not invented overnight. (Active) (e) A poor student cannot buy it. (Interrogative)