JSC Unit:1; Lesson:5 (B)
Bangladeshi cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many spices. We have delicious and appetizing food, snacks, and
Read MoreBangladeshi cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many spices. We have delicious and appetizing food, snacks, and
Read MoreThe ethnic people in Bangladesh hold a very important place in the culture of the country. The majority of these
Read MoreNakshi kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. নকশিকাঁথা হচ্ছে কাপড়ের ওপর হস্তশিল্প সংশ্লিষ্ট সূচিকর্মের নকশা তোলা এক প্রকার দৃষ্টিনন্দন
Read MoreFolk songs are song sung in the traditional style of a community or country. লোকগীতি একটি সম্প্রদায় অথবা দেশের প্রথাগত
Read MoreOne day a crow stole a piece of meat. It flew away and sat ———- Title: The foolishness of the
Read More10 November, 2021 Komlapur, Faridpur My Dear Brother, I got your letter yesterday. We all are fine here. I hope
Read MoreI have a garden. It is a flower garden. It is situated in front of my reading room. In my
Read MoreAt present road accidents are regular happenings in all over the world. It is increasing day by day. Thousands of
Read MoreRead the passage about the European explores. Complete the following table with information from the passage. Neil Armstrong was the
Read MoreRead the text and answer questions 4 and 5. Rabindranath Tagore was one of the most leading poets
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